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Originally, the site has only one staircase for people to go up and down from the interior space on the top of the hill. The staircase located on the right hand side of the space. In order to connect people to the space, shifting their movement in a positive exchange through design manual, follow one another movement and allow interaction with one another in the space, I attempt to design new pathways for entry and exit, entry door and exit door to provoke people to follow the design movement, behave, respect the site while moving into the space.

Paths: What We Do
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The Entrance Pathway is design in the center of the main space behind the big clock. The center of the space is spacious that open to great views of the surrounding. It is a space that bring people together to meet up, taking picture in front of the big clock and site views.

How does people know it is an entrance pathway?

The space is full of trees in the surrounding. I am designing a bird installation that hang the fake bird from the tree next to the pathway. When the winds blow, the birds swing like its flying. Birds installation will attract people attention to the entry way. It is a rule that design and set up to attract people coming to the entrance and without telling it is an entry way. It is also design to response to the site background, as the site is a place to release bird for good luck.

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The pathway is 1m in width as I want to limit people move in the pathway to prevent from crowd, congested and hiding the view of the space. Once people enters, they have to bow while moving through the 4 gate that has different height. The center of the path is 2m in width. People are provoking to move through stair that has different side and height to slow down their gestures and enjoying the views of the city from the hill or they can choose not to move through the stair. The idea is to prevent people from making the path congested while taking pictures everywhere as they moved

Paths: What We Do
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The gate is 100mm x 2200mm to 1600mm in height. Each gate is 600 apart. The stair in the center of the pathway is 900mm in width for people to stand on and look at the views. As move further, the stair is 350mm x 750mm for people to look at another view from the top hill.

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This is 1:1 collage of site experience of me walking into the pathway. The views were taken from the site as I moved into the hill. The gate is made of bamboo to blend with surrounding nature materials. The stair is made of stone.

Paths: What We Do
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Currently, there are 2 doors in the interior. Walking from the entrance pathway, people are entering the front door into the interior space to pray and exit at back door. I installed the curtain onto half of the existing door height. It is design for people to bow to pay respect once they enter and leave. The curtain is a fabric type and soft. So when people bow and accidentally hit the fabric, it does not hurt.

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The door is 1200mm x 2000mm. The curtain that installed onto the door is 1200mm x 1000mm.

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This is 1:1 collage of site experience of me walking into the door. The views of the interior space were taken from the interior when I try to bend and bow while moving into the space. The first view that I see in the interior is the floor.

Paths: What We Do
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The pathway is 1m in width as I want to limit people move in the pathway to prevent from crowd, congested and hiding the view of the space. While moving their way back, I want people to interact with one another and enjoy the scenery views. I Installed the reflective sheet with foam board and hanging from the tree in 45-degree angle.

Paths: What We Do
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The reflective sheet will reflect back the view and people while moving down the path. People are provoking to interact with the hanging reflective board while walking. This helps to slow down their gestures and enjoying the views of the city from the hill. The reflective board is soft. So when its swing and hit, it would not break.

Paths: What We Do
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The reflective board is hanging at 45-degree angle. It is 1800mm height from the ground. The reflective board is 350mm x 1000mm and 30mm thickness.

Paths: What We Do
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This is 1:1 collage of site experience of me walking into the pathway. The views of the surrounding and myself reflect back to me while walking pass the installation.

Paths: What We Do
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